Friday, January 18, 2013


So that next blog post just never came... I'm really bad at blogging but I'd really like to get back into it for reasons I'll explain later in this post. 

Firstly, I am no longer in school. I knew after about a month going into Marketing wasn't the right career choice for me. Looking back, and using the knowledge I gained trying to figure out what is a good career choice for me, I've realized that it really wasn't right for me. It wouldn't have used the skills I have now, so I would have ended up failing or struggling to keep up. I do believe I have found a good option for me though. I've decided I will go to school to for a Paralegal program. It's definitely not the most exciting career out there, but I will likely succeed in it. I won't be taking the program for a year and 9 months because I will have to move away from home to take it, so I'd like to give myself adequate time to save enough money. So that's my plan as far as school/career go!

The reason I want to get back into blogging and just writing in general is to keep my brain sharp and active since I'm no longer in school. Also so I can beat my boyfriend at Scrabble.

CUT THE CRAP lifestyle!

I have a "New Year Resolution". So far I have stuck to it pretty well. Basically it's cutting out processed, refined sugar and foods with loads of chemicals. At this time, for me, cutting out the sugar is the most important thing. My father has type 2 diabetes so I am considered high risk for developing it. Cutting out those sugars will reduce my risk, and that is my ultimate goal; to not develop diabetes. 

For example, if I am hungry instead of reaching for those cookies I'll grab a piece of fruit. Yes, that fruit has sugar, but they're natural and way easier for your pancreas to handle. Or if I'm baking something that calls for sugar I'll substitute the refined white sugar for raw sugar. 

I have been making a more conscious effort to read the ingredient labels, once I see the big long list of chemicals I pretty much lose my appetite. This lifestyle definitely gets you to cook more, because then you know exactly what you're putting in your body. Your body will thank you for being kind to it. Then you will be happier. Isn't that what everyone wants? 

You may wonder what my inspiration is for this sudden change, and that would be this documentary called Hungry For Change. If you have the desire to watch it I would definitely recommend it. 

I think that will be all for today. Please leave me a comment if you have decided to try this lifestyle. I'd love to hear your story and continue giving tips on how to make the change.